AVOFT stands for Another Version of Familiar Truth. We've seen capitalism for so many years that we forgot that we can have an alternative system to it. AVOFT is a community group working to provide this alternative system. It is the dream of AVOFT to spearhead this effort and inspire a new generation of leaders creating a new level of abundance and a new paradigm for the society.

We don't have to be robots working in jobs we don't like nor fully understand. We can be on the ground, contributing directly to the society, being part of the society, being connected with our true destiny again.

How AVOFT works
AVOFT is the main ideology disseminator. AVOFT works on setting up the ground work necessary for society to move toward this more desirable system of living. AVOFT will not be controlling any organisation or community but rather just provide information and guidance as requested. AVOFT works as a network, not as a hierarchical authority. All the groups linked with AVOFT are independent and autonomous groups that have subscribed to this vision of making the world a better place. This is necessary as this will avoid the accumulation of power in the hands of few, which often is the cause for disasters. This will also allow for various groups to target various issues that can, as a whole, provide a functional society.

Our AVOFT team will be more than happy to provide guidance and discussion to help with your organisations if you believe that the AVOFT system can provide a viable alternative to a sustainable world. Email us at system @ avoft . com.

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